History of our Logo
Many of our clients have asked about our logo and what it fully represents. Our Managing Principal, David Ray, is a quarter blood Native American. For many years he thought he was a Cherokee; however, recent family research has found that he is actually a Seneca Indian. David has Indian relatives who live on the Cherokee Reservation in Oklahoma (sadly he doesn’t know any of them). Having always been proud of his lineage David decided to incorporate a portion of his Native American heritage into the logo of his company. The Seneca Nation once claimed all of the lands in Western New York from the Genesee to Niagara Rivers, and a portion of the state of Pennsylvania. They have been in the area since prehistoric times. The Seneca’s are a member of the confederation of Iroquois tribes, formed in 1570, which consists of the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas, Senecas and Tuscaroras. The heartlands of the confederation stretched from the Hudson River to the shores of Lake Erie. The Seneca Indians were the western most member nation and thus were known as the Keeper of the Western Door. The Seneca tribe was the most numerous and most powerful of the confederation. Lakota KidzDavid has sat on the Board of Directors for Lakota Kidz and still activily participates with the organization. Lakota Kidz is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization staffed entirely be volunteers, and funded solely by private donations and grants. Lakota Kidz was started in David’s home town of Hull, Massachusetts by a group of friends working to help one of the poorest communities in the United States. This Native American reservation is located in South Dakota. If you would like more information or to help a great charity visit their website. Our Logo
The second part of the logo was incorporating land surveying. One of the oldest tools used in the surveying professional is the compass with the cardinal directions of North, South, East, and West. The dream catcher naturally accepted the incorporation of the compass and thus was born the Nantasket Survey Engineering logo. Even the name ‘Nantasket’ came from the old indian name Nantascot. So the logo and name are synonymous with David’s heritage.
Our Logo